Wednesday, October 15, 2008

These are the best days of our lives...

Why does it seem like everyone around me is growing up and I seem to be stuck in this eternal state of adolescence? I'm not ready to think about getting married or having children at all -- let alone be in those situations. But I'm just a few months younger than my mom when she had me. I can't imagine that at all. She's always been my mom -- she was never a young adult who didn't know herself or what she wanted out of life. She always seemed so confident and sure of herself and of the decisions she made. She was forced to grow up so fast. I guess I'm just torn. Part of me says "I'm ready to be an adult and take on the world!" and yet another part of me just wants to go home and have my mom cook for me and do my laundry. It's just crazy to think that within the next 5 years I could be married and have a self-supporting job and that in the next 10 I could be a mom. Eek.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another Year, Another Beginning

Summer has come to an abrupt end. It seems like with the start of school, the fall weather has decided to start too taking away all the beautiful sunny days and hiding them until next summer. I've really enjoyed classes so far. There are some that will be easy, some that will kick my butt, some that are big, some that are small, some that are interesting and some that are boring. I made sure to cover all the bases. I start class everyday at 11 which is amazing. I actually have time to wake up, eat breakfast and start my day off right with everything that I need. It's incredible. Especially for me since I'm not a morning person. I think my roommates like it too because then I'm not Godzilla in the mornings. :]

So I'm taking Art History, Flute Studio, Marching Band, Spanish & Shakespeare. My Spanish GTF is such a hottie. And when he speaks in Spanish it makes my heart want to melt. But of course he has a wife (and a daughter). I want to cry. But I am hopeful there are others like him out there. Tomorrow night I'm going to try and make a move on another (more age appropriate) hottie that I have my eye on. Oh and my neighbor is cute too! He just came over to borrow a fork a few minutes ago. I wonder if he is the one that rides the cute, shiny, red Vespa outside... Okay -- hold on... I like how this paragraph started out talking about classes and school and totally changed to cute boys. "I have a crush on every boy."

But anyway, classes are going well. I am excited for this term. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the weather and the shorter days. But oh well. I feel like a broken record but I also miss my besties. I just don't have anyone here like them (and I mean, come on... who could replace them?). Here I have friends who are funny and then I have my friends who are good listeners and then I have my friends who are good for just relaxing and watching a movie but I just don't have any friends who can do all of that at once. It really is a skill. ;]

I miss you, Lauren & Hilary!